Plant Maintenance

What are the main KPI’s for maintenance managers

Eagle Technology, Inc
October 20, 2020

As a maintenance manager, you need to have clear data that is high quality and significant on the status of the facility you manage. You need to know if the facility is on target to help meet the organization’s goals. This information will indicate if everything in the facility is going well or if there are areas for improvement.

As a maintenance manager, you need to have clear data that is high quality and significant on the status of the facility you manage.You need to know if the facility is on target to help meet the organization’s goals.  This information will indicate if everything in the facility is going well or if there are areas for improvement.

To get this information you need insight derived fromKey Performance Indicators (KPI’s). You need to know what equipment needs work, what needs to be prioritized, where resources should be focused, and what routine preventative measures must be taken to keep your equipment in optimal working order.

KPI’s are used to track performance in several areas over time and indicate when an organization is operating inside or outside of acceptable levels. Using KPIs will help you rank assets criticality and create a maintenance strategy that will optimize asset performance and reduce costs and risks.

A good CMMS will offer a significant number of KPI’s that are summarized in reports and dashboards.

The different types of KPI’s maintenance managers can use to get a clear picture of how your facility is running:

Asset Downtime

The system allows you to identify critical assets that could affect the entire production line.

DM PM Hour by Month

Demand and preventive maintenance hours by month. The goal is to turn demand maintenance into preventive maintenance, which is more effective and takes less time.


This is the average time that equipment operates between breakdowns or stoppages and helps maintenance managers understand the availability of their equipment. The higher the time between failure, the more reliable the piece of equipment. This is a crucial maintenance metric to measure performance, safety, and equipment design.

How to calculate MTBF: MTBF = Total uptime / # of breakdowns


MTTR is a metric used by maintenance departments to measure the average time needed to determine the cause of and fix failed equipment. It shows how quickly the maintenance team can respond to and repair unplanned breakdowns. It is a good baseline for figuring out how to increase efficiency and limit unplanned downtime, therefore saving money on the bottomline.

Root Cause Failure

It relates to your industry and business personalized to the organization’s needs.

Work Orders

Work order KPI’s show maintenance work that is approved.  Work requests can be submitted to maintenance by people within a company or one of their many types of customers, which depend on the type of business, industry, and/or facility being managed.

Work Order Costs

All costs are critical, knowing when a piece of equipment is costing you more to repair and to maintain than it would be to buy a new piece of equipment.

Total Hours by Trade

Looking at the percentage of how total hours are spent within our organization helps you manage resources more effectively.

Using CMMS KPI’s can give you an overall insight into your organization that could save you money and increases production or productivity. With a real-time data dashboard, facility assets can be monitored by the maintenance team to quickly identify potential problems. You can setKPI’s to monitor critical issues for your organization to ensure you are compliant with regulatory requirements. KPIs are also available for performance monitoring and management information.

Barbara van der Walt

Eagle Technology, Inc.

Tel: 262-241-3845
